Smog is the greatest enemy of our skin, no question. If your local authorities have announced smog alert recently, it’d be better for you not to leave home. Results? Health complications, poor frame of mind, deterioration of skin condition and increased level of heavy metals in blood, to name just a few. Let’s take a closer look at what smog can do with our skin, in particular.

What’s inside smog?

Simply speaking, it’s everything that we put inside a furnace to burn off. Smog is made from low-molecular-weight dust, quicksilver, lead, chromium as well as cancerogenic substances that are also responsible for toxification of the human organism. This kind of a mixture affects our organism and skin very badly. Complexion of people living in the territories being under smog alert ages fast as it’s exposed to irritations. And it’s not only about wrinkles per se. Urban pollution also contributes to acne, eczema and skin breakouts. Moreover, face and body skin becomes dry, cracked and reddened.

How does smog harm skin?

In polluted air there is a lot of hazardous substances. Among them are free radicals which cause wrinkle formation as they accelerate skin-ageing processes, in general. In order to improve skin condition and get rid of free radicals, use cosmetics containing anti-oxidants. These are natural vegetable substances that support cell-protective mechanisms of the human body.

How to take care of skin?

As mentioned above, every day apply cosmetics that contain anti-oxidants. Reach for beauty products including vitamins E, C and ferulic acid. Furthermore, you can make a good use of ‘cold cream’ type preparations, also known as ‘water in oil’ emulsions. Such products tighten hydro-lipid barrier of skin and moisture skin deeply. Basically, you can also undergo some specialistic regenerative treatments. Hydrobrasion is one of them. During this procedure, ampules with anti-oxidant content are pressed under skin. Equally superb effect can be delivered by mechanical massage that, additionally, makes skin firm and stimulates blood circulation.