How to be beautiful without spending a fortune? Our moms who didn’t have access to so many various cosmetics as we do, know reliable and effective methods to have a beautiful complexion. Luckily, there is no need for giving up our favourite creams or toners. It is enough to enrich their action with the benefits brought by homemade peels and masks. Below, you will find some interesting ideas.
A mask with honey and cinnamon for blemishes
You will need:
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon,
- 2 teaspoons of honey
Combine the ingredients together. Apply the product to the face and leave for about 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and then splash your face with cool water.
The honey and cinnamon mask has an antibacterial effect. It removes excess sebum, smoothes and brightens the skin.
Before applying a face mask, try out a small amount on the skin, for instance, on the wrist; the skin there is the most sensitive. This will show if any allergic reactions may occur.
Cinnamon causes burning, so if you cannot stand 20 minutes, rinse the mask beforehand.
Coffee face scrub
You will need:
- 3 teaspoons of coffee grounds (after you finish your cup:)),
- 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon,
- 5 teaspoons of olive oil.
If the composition is supplemented with a shower gel, the mixture can be used as a body scrub.
Mix the ingredients together. Massage the face with the scrub in circular motions. Apply to wet face skin.
Coffee scrub helps get rid of dead skin cells, cleanses and refreshes the skin improving its colour.
Lemon face mask for discolourations
You will need:
- a lemon,
- an egg.
Cut the lemon in half. Squeeze the juice from half of the lemon into the bowl, but before that, make sure to remove the seeds. Separate the white from the egg yolk and beat. Add it to the bowl of lemon juice and gently mix. Massage the face and cleavage with a cotton pad or your hands. The lemon mask for discolouration should be left on the skin for 15-30 minutes. Wash down the mask with warm water and after towel-drying, rinse the face with cold water.
Lemon juice has brightening properties.
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