Moisturising and hydrating both your body and skin is very important. Why? Water is essential for the proper functioning of tissues, organs and the entire body. Check why it’s important to hydrate your body.
How much to drink and which water to choose?
Before you find out how much water to drink and which to choose, remember one important rule. Only water is good for hydrating the body, you have to forget about other liquids (tea, juice). How to check how much water to drink a day? It’s very easy! Multiply 30ml by your body weight. For example: if you weight 50kg, you should drink 1.5 liters of water every day. This amount is enough to nourish and oxygenate the skin cells.
Which water to choose?
Most of people pay attention to either the price or the taste. It turns out, though, that completely different factors should be taken into account. First, check the label. The most important information is the sum of minerals or the total content of mineral salts.
Second, choose the type of water. There are four types:
- low-mineralized water – it does not exceed 50 mg / l,
- mineralized – up to 500 mg / l,
- medium-mineralized – it does not exceed 1500 mg / l,
- high-mineralized – exceeds 1500 mg / l.
There are no restrictions to the use of the first two types of water. Every healthy organism should be able to filter it, pick up the right ingredients and remove the rest with urine. However, it you have some problems with kidney or heart, choose low-mineralized water (up to 200 mg/l). High-mineralized water is perfect during hot weather and after physical exercise. Such waters are also used in spas thanks to their healing properties. Keep in mind that frequent consumption of high-mineralized water can lead to the accumulation of mineral nutrients in the body.
The first two types of water can be drunk without any restrictions, because every healthy organism will filter it, pick up the right ingredients and release the rest with the urine. However, if you have a sick kidney or heart, choose water with mineralization up to 200 mg / l. If you have edema or hypertension, choose water with a mineralization of up to 20 mg / l. However, highly mineralized water can be consumed only during hot weather and after physical exercise. Such waters are also used in spas and have healing effects. Remember also that frequent consumption of highly mineralized water can lead to the accumulation of mineral nutrients in the body.
Sparkling water vs still water
Sparkling water is not recommended for people suffering from hyperacidity and small children because it can cause gripes. On the other hand, sparkling water improves the flavour of food, improves digestion, quenches thirst and satisfies hunger. This is related to gas bubbles that stimulate receptors on the tongue.
How to store water?
The temperature of water to drink should be between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius, not lower than 10C. The water should be stored in temperature between 4 and 20C. After opening the bottle, drink it within 12 hours, in the fridge it can be stored up to two days.
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