When you have curly hair, you want to emphasise its coil. No matter short, or very long. Hair look at its best when curls are glossy and bouncy. To avoid frizzing, you should try oils for curly hair. These not only nourish and regenerate, but also provide elasticity and beautiful gloss.

Natural curly hair look beautiful when taken care of. Unfortunately, this hair type is high-maintenance. It is difficult to take care of it, however its care requires correct cosmetics. Great solution are hair oils, which allow control over curly strands. Nonetheless, before you reach for first oil you lay your hand on, get to know your hair a little bit better.

Curly hair – characteristics

Curly hair features can be determine just by looking at it. Full of volume hair, that seem to be much thicker. Not all of them are like that. Most of all, curly hair is enumerated as high porosity hair. The visible coil is in fact the result of raised hair cuticles. Although, there are some exceptions, i.e. hair with low porosity.

Curly hair turn out to be much more delicate and sensitive to external factors. In the areas that hair bend, hair is weaker, which can be cause for breakage. Raised cuticles impact hair dryness, because it is easier for it to lose nourishing substances and water. However, the fact that curls significantly deviates from the scalp, affects its weaker protection. Sebum layer on strands surface is thinner, so curly hair tend to be matte, dry and delicate.

What oil for curly hair?

In case of curly hair, you should take care mostly of their moisture and nourishment, which it lacks. Hair oils with tight coil should be lightweight. The best are going to be oils with large particles, with high amount of unsaturated fatty acids. Avoid heavy butters and oils with saturated fatty acids. These will weight hair down and won’t be able to penetrate inner hair structures. Instead of underlining the coil, they will cause frizzing. Below are some of oils you should and shouldn’t use.

The best oils for curly hair: primrose oil, pumpkin seed oil, argan oil, maize oil, walnut oil, grape seed oil, soy oil, black seed oil, etc.

The oils you should never use (avoid at all cost!): coconut oil, mango butter, shea butter, cupuacu butter, cocoa butter, palm oil and other hair butters.