Dry, matte and weak. Is this how your hair look like after winter? If yes, it is time to meet ways to regenerate your scalp. These methods are easy, while at the same time provide sensational and immediate effects. Meet them all.
Why do hair and scalp condition worsen?
Undoubtedly, it has something to do with the temperature fluctuation and the way we dress. Besides, in the winter you take care of face’s skin in a different manner. It has impact also on the scalp and sebaceous glands functioning. Use of greasy creams and wearing a hat causes increased sebum secretion and oily scalp. What is more, being interchangeably in warm rooms and outside in the cold may lead to upsetting the sebaceous glands work. And how do the hair ends look like in the winter? Contrary to oily scalp, hair ends split, are dry and weak. Keeping strands under the coat or scarf causes additional frizzing and electrifying. How should you take care of hair with such condition?
Hair care after winter
You can condition your hair after winter on your own at home or leave it to the professional hairdresser. How can you do that in your own bathroom? Most of all, you have to match right cosmetics. For hair wash use mild shampoos with moisturising and repairing properties. It should contain ceramides and vegetable extracts, while pH of the product should be equal 5,5. Try cosmetics with bio or organic sign, free of SLS or drying substances. For hair regeneration use also hair masks or conditioners, which should be applied twice a week.
Once a week use scalp conditioner
The best are these with vegetable extracts, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, your hair will be regenerated, nourished and stronger. You will deliver follicles with plenty nourishing substances, so the hair growth cycle will extend. Do not forget about hair oiling. Oils are rich in vitamins, fatty acids and other substances (like, keratin). These substances provide your strands with moisture, regeneration and care.
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