There are five fundamental haircare rules. They’re worth following, giving you the one and only effective path that leads you towards healthy and beautiful hair. Do you know how to care for hair?

Who told you that hair care must be tiring and time-consuming? Devoting a bit more time to your hair from time to time doesn’t mean that the improvement must be the result of long hours of tiresome treatments. Keep your hair healthy and stunning in a simple way, applying five basic rules.


1. Wash your hair in a gentle way

You should wash your hair when it needs yet you shouldn’t do it more often than every other day. If necessary, a dry shampoo will save you. For washing, go for mild products, preferably kid’s shampoos, natural and free of strong detergents. The shampoo must be applied exclusively to the scalp. Choose a shampoo right for your scalp type, not for the hair. It’s enough not to expose the hair to damage. Let’s treat our hair the way we treat a favorite sweater – no pulling, tearing, towel-drying. Being gentle matters most!

2. Nourish your hair regularly

The substances you deliver are very important to the health of hair. The more nutrients, the better. Our hair loves zinc, copper, magnesium, silicon, vitamins B9 (Folic Acid), B12 and E (Tocopherol). These ingredients are worth looking for in hair products because they strengthen, nourish, eliminate hair thinning, increase shine, softness and smoothness. You’re going to find them in lots of natural products. That’s why hair care with DIY masks or oils make a good choice.

3. Keep your hair hydrated

Water plays a key role in the body. It’s essential for your hair, too, making strands soft, smooth, bouncy and luminous. We must provide the body with water yet preventing its loss is more important. How to do it? A hair oil may turn out to be helpful. Applied regularly, it fortifies the natural hydro-lipid barrier, shields from the sun and heat. Silicones work in a similar way (yet are less natural), maintaining the right hydration, too.

4. Protect your hair against damage

What’s harmful to your hair condition? Too much heat, too much sunlight, too much styling, too tight updos, too many styling products. Moderation and avoiding the damaging factors are important. You’d better give up on flat irons and curling wands, let hair dry naturally and protect it. Natural hair oils work here, too. They shield from many harmful factors like temperature, UV radiation, toxins, mechanical damage. They’re worth adding to hair care routine to prevent various problems instead of having to deal with the difficult hair repair later on.

5. Go for diversity

Hair loves changes. Using the same set of products all the time is a quite big mistake; hair gets used to them quickly. As a result, a conditioner, which gives a stunning smoothness and hydration at first, doesn’t work as amazingly after some time. That’s why we must keep delivering large quantities of different ingredients: proteins, emollients, humectants, vitamins, herbs. Oil your hair one day, use a scalp lotion on the next day, apply a home mask once a week. Obviously, make sure you choose the right proportions for your hair.