Your skin will remain healthy and beautiful longer if you take care of it the right way. Do you know that skincare should be based on a few basic principles? Check out how to take care of your skin regardless of age. Give it the best you can!

Skin is a living and constantly changing part of our body, therefore, its appearance and condition, is affected by the passage of time. With age, wrinkles and discolouration tend to appear yet ageing is not the only reason for skin changes. Solar radiation, cosmetics used, possible addictions, environmental pollution (and many more) have also negative influence on its state.


Whenever we want to take care of our skin, we should follow a few basic rules. These are independent of our age and correspond to each type of complexion. What is worth remembering when it comes to skincare?

First of all, moisturize!

Most of the skin consists of water essential for proper functioning. Regardless of the skin type, moisturizing is a must and basic action in daily care. A good moisturizing cream will be useful not only for dry but also oily skin. The most common mistake is the deliberate drying of oily or acne skin in order to mattify it. This is not allowed, because the dehydrated skin will always look worse and be more irritated. Hydrating is worth doing both externally and internally.

Second, do not harm!

Just as it absorbs all the nutrients from cosmetics, the skin is as quickly exposed to harmful factors. It is worth taking proper care of it, to avoid harming it in everyday care. The safest solution is the use of hypoallergenic cosmetics, with a simple and safe composition, without preservatives, silicones, mineral oils, etc. Our lifestyle and what we eat are also of great importance. The diet affects skin condition, so it is worth introducing unprocessed, cereal, fresh foods including lots of vegetables and fruits into your diet.

Third, exfoliate!

Some help in skin regeneration will be useful for every skin type. Of course, it is a matter of choosing the right methods – most often we wonder how to take care of sensitive skin and cleanse it without irritation. The older we are, the slower the process of cell renewal becomes. That is why skin care of all ages should be based on regular exfoliation of the epidermis. Peel is recommended at least once a week, because thanks to it, we are able to cleanse, smooth out and stimulate the skin to renew itself. In the case of skin prone to irritation, going for enzyme peels will be more appropriate.

Fourth, change!

Our complexion loves diversity. It does not matter if you’re twenty or sixty years old. The type of complexion does not matter. Using the same cosmetics all the time is not a good solution. Keep in mind that your skin needs completely different care in the summer than in the winter. Also, due to the fact that the complexion may simply get used to the nutrients your provide. That’s why the face cream, which was effective two months ago, may not bring any effects today.

Fifth, limit!

Many women think that the more cosmetics they use, the more beautiful they will be. Unfortunately, this is not a good way to look after your complexion. Overusing of beauty products is a serious and yet very common mistake. Why shouldn’t you do this? A greater number of cosmetics used at the same time is much more likely to irritate the skin. Besides, by mixing a lot of cosmetics with each other, we can weaken their effects. Some ingredients change their properties when combined, and thus two unmatched cosmetics may be ineffective.

Last, but not least, prevent!

Prevention is the key to success when it comes to proper skin care. If we want to properly care for our complexion, we must always think two steps forward. Prevention is much easier than getting rid of the problem later. Instead of reducing wrinkles, it is better to prevent them – making the skin more elastic and firm, and also acting antioxidally. It is worth introducing cosmetics with ingredients that delay the aging process – with vitamins E and A, into the daily skin care routine.